Monday, January 7, 2008

Do Vegetarians Live Longer?

We have a few vegetarians at the FOM. Maybe they are onto something.

Did you realize that it wasn't until after the flood that God allowed man to eat meat? We were all vegetarians until Noah landed on dry ground. Then God says "Everything that lives and moves among you will be food for you." (Gen.9:3) But check this out... Noah's Dad lived 777 years. Noah lived 950 years. Then, life expectancy plummets in Gen. 11. Notice that Noah's son Shem only lived 600 years. Then, over the subsequent four generations, we're down to 200 years on life expectancy. What's up with this? Can we draw the conclusion that people would live longer if they only ate vegetables, but maybe God allowed us to eat meat because he couldn't bear with us for hundreds of years? Or maybe Daniel knew this when he asked the King to allow him and his buddies to only eat vegetables for ten days and see if they were better off than their counterparts who ate the king's food (meat, wine, etc.) Turns out they were better off.

I told Lee Anna about all this tonight and suggested maybe we should eat vegetables. She said it would need to wait at least one night because we were having Tilapia. Maybe we'll just eat vegetables and Tilapia in the future. Oh... and steak. I love steak. And hamburgers. This is going to be difficult.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Noah prescribed to the Ornish diet.

jen palmer said...

On Jan. 3rd, I had forgotten about the fallen angels marrying men's daughters. The Nephilim, the giants,that roamed around the town. No meat and giants meandering around - what a world back then.

asher castillo said...


Anonymous said...

Or subscribed...

Anonymous said...

There are several (seven) major covenants God has given his creation. This is the first of seven. Some are conditional and some are unconditional. Gen 9:8-17 "Noahic Coventant" is an unconditional covenant with every living thing on earth. Every covenant has a sign or seal "like the signature on a concract" the sign for this one was "rainbow" the sign for the covenant with Abraham was the circumcision and so on.
There are 3 main colors in the rainbow (a trinity) and from them 7 other colors derive. (7 the perfect number) for more food for thought visit:

J. R. Hedden said...

I just want to be taken up, no death at all. After living longer than the rest of you, that is ;)